Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Wanna bet?

For the first time in the history of medicine of Latvia, doctors had to sew on back the privy part of a guy who had cut it off fully. He had done it by himself being drunk. And the underlying reason for that was...desire to win Ls 1000 in bets with his friends.
The latvian guy is not the only one of that kind in the world.
A Wales rugby fan challenged his friends to bet with him that Wales team would win England in the february game, 2005. He was sure it would not happen as Wales had not managed it for 12 years. In case of the victory of Wales' team he would have to cut off his genitals. And the "miracle" happened-that evening Wales' team won England and rugby fan did what he had promised...


Anonymous said...

"lucky" ones )

Anonymous said...

easy. I did it for many times myself. of course "he" is not working anymore, but still, now it is eeasier even to cut it off, as I dont feel any pain.

Unknown said...

this I remember:D