Monday, December 11, 2006


Already some time ago, the law related to the time until which alcoholic drinks can be sold and bought had been adopted. In Latvia one can buy alcohol until 22.00 p.m. and in Estonia this time margin is 23.00 p.m. However, these limitations make people think about providing themselves with alcoholic drinks duly. This fact makes people act really funny, at least the observations in Latvia approve this.
As one might possibly know-in Latvia there are conductors in public transport. They gather money for the tickets from the passengers. How is this related to the alcohol law? Pretty simple, actually...while the particular public transport stops at the bus/trolleybus stop, the conductor runs out of it right into the shop of alcoholic beverages. Meanwhile bus/trolleybus just waits for him at the stop with all the passengers inside waiting for the conductor as well.
Hey, common! It was quarter to 22.00 p.m., so this guy just had to manage to buy some alco for the evening!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that sounds absurd and true at the same time.. I think the more ways givernment will try to restrict people's rights, the more options they will find to get what they want... anyway.. good luck with that!