What we can find in Uncyclopedia About Latvia
Latvia or The Land of The Setting Sun is probably the biggest and most powerful country in the world, being only insignificantly smaller than the Galactic Empire. It's the strongest contentor to Honduras when it comes to the definition of BANANA Republic.
Geographically, Latvia is located on the planet Earth. The extensive northern coasts of Latvia are washed by the Baltic Ocean, and it has terrestial boundaries with some small satellite countries, like the Republic of Afracans (an important supplier of toilet paper), Russia (a rich source of vodka) and others.
Latvians can be easily recognised by their names, which always end with an ending. This also applies to the Latvian language, which is second oldest language in the world (nobody remembers the oldest one). Latvians like to sing, drink beer, eat ridiculous amounts of hard-boiled eggs, grow long hair and dominate the world. They also tend to have 6 toes on one or both feet.
This and a lot more of really really serious and important information about Latvia you can find here! Check it out!
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