After joinig EU in May 2004, Latvia faced EU fines over sugar surplus. Latvia had to eliminate its excess stocks or pay a fine into the EU budget, under the Commission regulation.
“As is usual before every enlargement, the new Member States were required to ensure that there was no speculative stockpiling of agricultural products, which would upset the balance of the entire EU market,” said the Commission.
Producers had to prove to national government that stocks had been destroyed and the government had to provide evidence of elimination to the EU until March 31, 2006. This statement faced discussions and up to this moment the situation has reached the point, where Latvia has to pay fine, unluckily, because we had more than 10,000 tonnes of sugar surplus. This fine is approximately 3,1 million Lats. More over, just recently European Commision came up with new calculations of approximately 880 156 Lats, which will have to be paid as fine for meat, vine and garlic surplus in Latvia before joining EU.
Probably EU will come up with more fines...and Latvians just pay pay pay...